MB 1828, Bj:2003, Müller, ca. 8000

technical details vehicle

manufacturer: MB
type: 1828
year of manufacturing: 2003
admissible total weight: 18000
mileage: ca. 193.507
axes: 2
vehicle height: 3,4

technical details equipment

manufacturer: Müller
vehicle body type: suction and rinsing car
size: ca. 8000
vacuum pump: Sterling Sihi - ca. 1010
high pressure pump: Uraca 716 - ca. 170 - ca.325
flush hose: 1 " - ca. 160
flush hose: 12 " - ca. 60


* This fields are required.

r - archiv, archiv, 1828, Müller, 2003, ca. 8000, Sterling Sihi, refurbished, overhaul, second-hand, used, pre-owned